Early in the month it was announced that William Grant and Son had acquired the Drambuie Liqueur Company which owns the Drambuie whisky liqueur brand. The Independent family-owned distiller which owns Glenfiddich and Balvenie whiskies and Hendrik’s Gin amongst others announced their news after many months of speculation. Stella David, the chief executive of William Grant said “We have the passion and a reputation for nurturing and building brands. Drambuie is a natural fit for our portfolio, it has a very rich and a great story to tell and we are delighted to be in a position to start to re-engage with existing drinkers and to connect the brand with an entirely new generation of consumers.”

A blend of Scotch whisky, spices and healthy honey. Drambuie has a history dating back to 1745 and rose to prominence as a key ingredient of the Rusty Nail cocktail favoured by the Rat Pack in the 1950’s.

The CEO of Drambuie, Michael Kennedy, said that Drambuie was set to benefit from being part of a “larger more diverse” organisation which could help Drambuie to “truly achieve its potential.”

William Grant had just announced a record turnover of £1.12 billion growing by 5.2% and an operating profit totalling £138 million, a 10.6 % rise on the year before.