The Portman Group is the responsible body for drinks producers in the UK . They have recently launched the “Alcohol Sponsorship Code” which will bring together the widest ever partnership of drinks producers, retailers, rights holders and venues to support the promotion of responsible drinking.

Henry Ashworth, Chief Executive of Portman Group has said “This is another important gear change in partnership working to promote responsible drinking. I am pleased that the new code has been endorsed by the UK’s leading sports and music bodies. Alcohol companies will have a binding commitment to promote responsible drinking- this represents an intelligent evolution of a highly respected Code and shows that we are constantly raising the bar when it comes to responsible alcohol marketing.” (Raising the bar might have been an unfortunate choice of words !)

A wide range of organisations have already endorsed the code. These include AEG, Association of Independent Festivals, British Horseracing, Business in Sport and Leisure, DF Concerts, England and Wales Cricket Board, European Sponsorship Association, Football Association, Rugby Football Union, Rugby Football League, Lawn Tennis Association, Premier League, Scottish Golf Union, Scottish Rugby and the Sport and Recreation Alliance.

As part of the agreement companies will be compelled to introduce new measures to promote the responsible drinking at events and to better train its staff on responsible service and the effects of excessive drinking.

Responsible drinking messages will also be featured on promotional materials more prominently and frequently.

The UK public health minister, Jane Ellison MP, said “It is important that all in the industry from alcohol producers to sports and cultural venues, do all they can to promote responsible drinking. I am pleased to see strong support for the new Alcohol Sponsorship code from sport and music bodies. The Code will help to make sure that alcohol is not promoted to anyone aged under eighteen.”